In Part 1 of this series, we outlined and defined three fundamentals of metabolic body type: Protein Type, Carb Type, and Mixed Type. Ultimately, aligning your nutrition plan with your predominant metabolic type will, without doubt, enhance your energy levels and boost your metabolism. In this post, with your long-term health and wellness in mind, we offer a group of guidelines for each body type.
Essential Nutrition Guidelines for Protein Types
Protein Types typically do well on a diet that includes plenty of high-density proteins that contain high fat (also known as “high-purine” proteins). These include red meat, dark poultry, lamb, salmon, tuna, anchovies, sardines, herrings, mussels etc. Most protein types can also do well with whole fat foods in the form of eggs, cheese, cream, and milk. Ideally, they should eat a significant amount of protein with each meal, and moderate their intake of carbohydrates (grains, fruits, vegetables), particularly if the carbohydrates are high in sugar and starch.
The ideal plate for protein types looks like this:
- 50% Protein
- 30% Fat
- 20% Carbohydrates
(Percentages will vary somewhat from person to person)
General characteristics of Protein Types:
- Have strong appetites
- Think about food a lot, even when they are not hungry
- Crave salty and fatty foods
- Don’t do well skipping a meal or fasting
- Prone to anxiety
- Fatigue often
- Talkative and possess an outgoing personality.
*NOTE: Protein Types don’t do well as vegetarians, since they need high-purine protein for optimal health.
Essential Nutrition Guidelines for Carb Types
Carb Types typically do well on a low-fat, relatively low-protein diet that includes liberal amounts of carbohydrates in the form of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Be aware that you need “low-protein” as opposed to “no-protein”. (Everyone needs some protein.) Choose low-purine proteins that are light and lean, like white-meat poultry, white fish (cod, flounder, haddock, sole, and perch), and plant-based proteins: including lentils and chickpeas. It is important for Carb Types to keep their intake of fat low. Excess fat and protein can leave you feeling sluggish, drained, and irritable. It is best for you to stick with low-fat dairy products such a yogurt, milk, and cheese. Overall, fruits and vegetables will be your ideal source of carbohydrates.
The ideal plate for Carb Types looks like this:
- 70% Carbohydrates
- 20% Protein
- 10% Fat
(Portions will vary somewhat from person to person.)
General Characteristics of Carb Types:
- Have relatively light appetites.
- Typically, don’t like meat and have a high tolerance for carbohydrates.
- Generally, dislikes like salty foods.
- Don’t think about food much, unless they are hungry.
- Skipping meals really doesn’t affect mood or energy and they do well with fasting.
- Love salads and feel great after drinking fresh organic vegetable juice, and good after drinking freshly squeezed orange juice.
- Driven, organized, sometimes stressed, and tend to have a sensitive personality.
- Caffeine dependency.
- May struggle with weight.
*NOTE: Carb Types must focus on low-purine protein for optimal health.
Essential Nutrition Guidelines for Mixed Types:
Possessing both qualities as a Protein Type and a Carb Type, Mixed Types can metabolize proteins, carbs, and fats equally well. They do best consuming relatively equal ratios of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates with each meal. Having very broad nutritional needs, eating a wide variety of foods is recommended. This includes high and low-purine proteins, high and low-fat dairy, and carbohydrates such as vegetables, fruits and grains; though Mixed Types should moderate their intake of high sugar or starchy carbs.
The ideal plate Mixed Types looks like this:
- 33% Protein
- 33% Fat
- 33% Carbohydrate
(Portions will vary somewhat from person to person)
General Characteristics of Mixed Types:
- Fluctuating appetites.
- Can experience fatigue, anxiety, and nervousness.
- May suffer aches and pains.
- In general, Mixed Types can identify with many of the characteristics of both the Protein and Carb types, but don’t experience them as intensely as the other two types.
*NOTE: Mixed Types should avoid high-sugar foods and high-starch carbs for optimal health.
Knowing Your Metabolic Body Type is Just the First Step
How will you know if you are eating right for your metabolic type? If your diet is not in alignment with your metabolic body type, you will most likely experience:
- Inconsistent or low energy.
- Brain Fog
- Mood swings
- Cravings, especially sugar
- Hunger not satisfied after eating meals
- Frequent or intense hunger
- Weight issues
- Prone to anxiety or depression
On the other hand, if your diet is in full alignment with your metabolic type you typically experience:
- More energy that is consistent
- Mental clarity
- Positive and stable moods
- Freedom from all cravings
- Satisfaction with meals.
- Can go longer periods without eating
- Ideal weight
- Begin to realize your full health potential
Everyone metabolizes food in different ways, mostly according to their genetics; but other factors such as environmental toxins, and stress can also influence our metabolic functioning. Knowing your metabolic body type is the first step toward leading a healthier, happier life.
To discover your metabolic type, click here to take my FREE “EAT RIGHT FOR YOUR METABOLIC TYPE QUIZ!”
Take the FREE Quiz!
Based on how you respond to the answers in the quiz, you can be classified as a Protein, Carb, or Mixed type. Keep in mind, this quiz identifies a general categorization according to your responses. Each category type can be refined for even more optimal results, which is something I cover in my VIP Program: THE ART OF TRANSFORMATION.
Click here to Schedule your FREE 30-Minute Energy and Metabolism Discovery Session! Together we will create a personalized plan to help you increase your energy and ignite your metabolism.
DISCLAIMER: The metabolic typing questionnaire is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to treat, diagnose or cure any ailments or illness you may be experiencing, and is not a substitute for proper medical care. Physical activity levels & various medical issues can dramatically impact your nutrient needs. The results of this quiz are not a prescription, but rather recommendations based upon answers provided on the questionnaire.